You may have already heard about the April shutdown which begins Saturday night. We are thankfully able to proceed with a scaled back Easter Sunday service, but we have a few important things to note regarding this Sunday:
Stan Fowler will be here to preach and we are working to fit in all those who registered as best we can. The new rules restrict us to 15% capacity.
If you registered but are not planning to come, please let us know ASAP. Seats are in short supply and we want to ensure all available seats are filled by those able to attend.
If you are not registered, we kindly ask that you do not come. We will be limited to 75 people total, so we will not likely be able to find a spot for you as we already have a waiting list.
Please note we are still trying to understand if we can run Children's Church.
That's it for now. Stay tuned for more information. And please do let us know if you have any questions.
UPDATE - Friday, April 2, 2021
Since the post yesterday, we've been able to do a little research and, while still remaining at the new 15% capacity, we are able to fit more people in the service than we initially expected! Between that and several people very kindly offering to stay home for the Sunday service, all remaining registered attendees will fit within our capacity limits. So, if you are still registered for the service, there is a seat in the Auditorium for you, and we very much hope you do fill it. As mentioned yesterday, we unfortunately do not have extra space this week for anyone who is not registered.
Children's Church will not be running at least for this week, so all registered kids will need to stay with their parents for the Easter service.
We will be in discussion regarding all of these details over the next week, so check your inboxes and listen to the Sunday announcements to stay in the loop on any changes.