Recommended Bible Reading Plans
Reading through the entire Bible, is an important endeavour so we have a sense of the whole story God is telling through His Word. (As a congregation in 2018, we did the One Year Bible Reading Plan and you can listen to the sermons from that year HERE.)
There are many, many Bible reading plans available, but below we have gathered a few that we have found helpful:
5 Day Bible Reading Program (also in large print here)
One Year Bible Reading Plan (also in large print here)
M’Cheyne Daily Bible Reading Plan
Listen along!
M’Cheyne ESV with Kristyn Getty Apple Podcasts | Spotify
M’Cheyne ESV with Conrad Mbewe Apple Podcasts | Spotify
Chronological Bible Reading Plan
Bible Project Reading Plan (includes supporting videos)
Printed copies of these plans are available in a binder in our Library.
Bible Reading Plan Recommendation from Pastor Sam
The Gospel Coalition, in partnership with Crossway, has a freely provided Read the Bible, a daily devotional commentary to read or listen to from D.A. Carson’s books For the Love of God (volume 1 & 2). Each short commentary provides deeper insight on one passage based on the M’Cheyne Daily Bible Reading Plan. Read or listen along here: Read the Bible