New & spotlighted resources are shown below, as well as links to spreadsheets cataloguing all the physical resources we currently have. The library is open for browsing and borrowing on Sunday mornings, before and after the service.

Looking for online video Bible studies, kids programs, ebooks or audiobooks? More info about online library resources is also below!

Suggest a Purchase

Have a great title you’d like to see in the Crestwicke library—either because you would like to read it yourself or think others would enjoy it? Let us know! You can talk to our library volunteers on Sundays, or use the button below to suggest a purchase.

Library Sunday

Thank you to all who supported Library Sunday (Fall 2023). We received $703 toward new books for our library! We’re looking to host another Library Sunday later in 2025.

New in the library

New in the Library for Kids

Parenting Books

Elisabeth Elliot Books



Series Spotlight: TGC Kids

SERIES SPOTLIGHT: Dead Sea Squirrels

SERIES SPOTLIGHT: Imagination Station

Series Spotlight: The Dreamkeeper Saga

SERIES Spotlight: Big Questions


Below are links to the current resources available in the Crestwicke library.
Though unlisted below, we also have puzzles you can borrow!
If you have a recommendation for a resource we currently do not have, please let us know!

To search the linked spreadsheets using any keyword, use the shortcut CTRL+F (or Command+F for Macs) once you have clicked the link to open them.


RightNow Media

In addition to the physical resources available in the library, we also have a church subscription to RightNow Media, which provides you with free access to thousands of video Bible studies, conference sessions & kids programming. Read more about that here.

Audiobooks & E-Books at the Guelph Public Library

Prefer listening to your books or using a tablet e-reader? Check out the great selection of books available through the Guelph Public Library’s Digital Library! The free access to Hoopla is perfect if you are looking for Christian fiction or non-fiction, including Bible studies and biblical commentaries (plus movies and music!) Selections from Hoopla are shown below.

Pro library tip! If you have a Guelph Public Library card, you can also get a free library card at the following libraries, and extend your access to library resources even more: IdeaExchange (Cambridge), Wellington County Public Library, Waterloo Public Library, and Milton Public Library

Other Resources