Update, November 5, 2023
The washroom renovations are getting closer & closer to wrapping up! Currently, the plan is to have them usable for our Christmas banquet on December 2. Until then, we have received an update photo from our Reno Management Team.
A photo of the Women’s Fellowship Room washrooms….though the current state of these provides a bit too much “fellowship”. We are hoping the final design includes individual stalls…
September 7, 2023
A word from our Reno Management Team on the washroom renovation progress:
The washroom renovations are progressing nicely. Danielle is already dreaming about washing her hands in the future sinks, seen in this picture below. As is common with all renovations, surprises were found when demolition started. We reconfigured the layout of the washrooms by the front doors, but we are still getting four new individual washrooms for this area. Revising the layout means the renovations should be completed in November. The working relationship with the contractor has been everything we could ask for. If you have any questions, please speak to David Ens, Thomas Armstrong, Danielle Gignac, or Michael Zwart.
No shortage of imagination here! Danielle is “washing her hands” where our future sinks will be located.