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Farewell Letter from Steve


Dear Crestwicke Church Family, 

For the past eight years and four months I had the privilege of being one of the pastors called to serve as part of this congregation. God alone knows how to judge such arrangements, whether they are successful or not, and whether I did my duties in a way which pleased and honoured him. Nevertheless, I hope that we can all see the blessing of God on the church over these years. In his grace, Jesus Christ continued to build his church. Crestwicke is now as healthy as it has been in a very long time. 

It’s deeply humbling to think about the responsibility I had during my time with you. I’m thankful for having been able to play a small part in what God was doing at Crestwicke during those years. Whatever good has been accomplished is owing to God’s kindness and the work of his Spirit. Jesus Christ is still building his church!  

On a personal level, thank you for your friendship, encouragement, and prayers. Thank you for your love. We worked together and navigated through some good times and through some challenges. God will continue to guide the church according to his plan, come what may. I hope that in the future we’ll be able to look back on this time as something beautiful, but as the beginning of something even more beautiful. I hope that this time was planting seeds and that the next years bring the growth, fruit, and harvest. God is the one who makes things grow and flourish. He is the one who loves us more than any human being can love. So we trust ourselves and each other into his care. 

I wish you every blessing as you follow the Lord. Thank you


Steve West 

Click here to read Steve’s original letter from June 2020, regarding his decision to step down from his position as Lead Pastor at Crestwicke.