SUNDAY TEACHING: Hebrews 11:1-7

Hi there Crestwicke family!

This week were trying something a bit different. Jesskah has prepared a couple songs that are now integrated with the teaching video.

For our Crestwicke kids, we’re on week 7 of our family devotional. Scroll down to our Just for Kids! section to get the link to this week’s episode.

In case you missed it, for our weekly devotional videos Jake is starting a series going through his statement of faith, which is part of the preparation for his upcoming ordination. See his first video here: Authority of Scripture

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Read the full Bible passages here: Psalm 34 & Hebrews 11:1-7

Want to keep on singing? Check out the YouTube playlists from previous weeks, or our Songs We Sing playlist on Spotify.


If you are able to, please consider giving your offering as you usually do on Sunday mornings when we gather together. You can donate right here online or you can check our Donation Options page for other options. If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie in the church office, or 519-836-2132

Just for Kids!

We’re continuing with the 5-Minute Family Devotional, Jesus: Messiah, Teacher, King. Watch this week’s episode: Jesus Picks His Disciples. Each episode has a verse for you to review with your kids, an opportunity to pause the video and talk about specific questions, and to pray with them. This series is available through our RightNow Media subscription. If you haven’t yet signed up, you can join through this link.

To go along with the devotional series on Jesus, check out the Jesus music video playlist from Seeds, also available through RightNow Media. Each of the Seeds music videos is based word-for-word on Scripture passages, so it’s a great way for kids (or adults) to memorize verses.

SUNDAY TEACHING: Hebrews 10:19-39

It’s been over two months since we’ve been able to all meet together, and today we’re hitting a section in Hebrews that gives us three imperatives, including one telling us to not give up meeting together. How do we navigate that in our current situation? Well, we’ll let Steve unpack this in the context of the passage below.

For our Crestwicke kids, we’re on week 6 of our family devotional. Scroll down to our Just for Kids! section to get the link to this week’s episode. For our devotional video this week, Sam shared from Romans 8. If you missed that, you can see it here: Romans 8:31-39

By the way, if you aren’t getting our regular email updates, just send an email to Stephanie in the church office and we can add you to the mailing list.

Welcome & Scripture reading by Jake Clemens, teaching by Steve West for Sunday, May 17, 2020.

Read the full Bible passages here: Ezekiel 36:22-38 & Hebrews 10:19-39


If you are able to, please consider giving your offering as you usually do on Sunday mornings when we gather together. You can donate right here online or you can check our Donation Options page for other options. If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie in the church office, or 519-836-2132

Just for Kids!

We’re continuing with the 5-Minute Family Devotional, Jesus: Messiah, Teacher, King. Watch this week’s episode: Jesus is Tempted. Each episode has a verse for you to review with your kids, an opportunity to pause the video and talk about specific questions, and to pray with them. This series is available through our RightNow Media subscription. If you haven’t yet signed up, you can join through this link.

To go along with the devotional series on Jesus, check out the Jesus music video playlist from Seeds, also available through RightNow Media. Each of the Seeds music videos is based word-for-word on Scripture passages, so it’s a great way for kids (or adults) to memorize verses.

SUNDAY TEACHING: Hebrews 10:1-18

Hi Crestwicke!

We’re back in Hebrews with Steve this week. For our Crestwicke kids, scroll down to our Just for Kids! section to get the link to this week’s episode. And in case you missed our Weekday Devotional, see that here: His Love Endures Forever

By the way, if you aren’t getting our regular email updates, just send an email to Stephanie in the church office and we can add you to the mailing list.

Welcome & Scripture reading by Jake Clemens, teaching by Steve West for Sunday, May 10, 2020.

Read the full Bible passages here: Habakkuk 1:12 to 2:3 & Hebrews 9:11-28


If you are able to, please consider giving your offering as you usually do on Sunday mornings when we gather together. You can donate right here online or you can check our Donation Options page for other options. If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie in the church office, or 519-836-2132

Just for Kids!

We’re continuing with the 5-Minute Family Devotional, Jesus: Messiah, Teacher, King. Watch this week’s episode: John the Baptist. Each episode has a verse for you to review with your kids, an opportunity to pause the video and talk about specific questions, and to pray with them. This series is available through our RightNow Media subscription. If you haven’t yet signed up, you can join through this link.

To go along with the devotional series on Jesus, check out the Jesus music video playlist from Seeds, also available through RightNow Media. Each of the Seeds music videos is based word-for-word on Scripture passages, so it’s a great way for kids (or adults) to memorize verses.

SUNDAY TEACHING: Jesus Our Prophet

Good morning, Crestwicke family :)

We’ve taken a break from our Hebrews series to hear Jake speak on various Bible texts showing Jesus as our Prophet. Our Crestwicke kids have already been learning more about Jesus in the Jesus: Messiah, Teacher, King family devotional. Scroll down to our Just for Kids! section to get the link to this week’s episode.

If you missed our Weekday Devotional, Praying in a Pandemic you can see that here.

Welcome & Scripture reading by Steve West, teaching by Jake Clemens for Sunday, May 3, 2020.

Read the full Bible passages here: Psalm 91, Deuteronomy 18-14-18 & John 1:19-27


If you are able to, please consider giving your offering as you usually do on Sunday mornings when we gather together. You can donate right here online or you can check our Donation Options page for other options. If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie in the church office, or 519-836-2132

Just for Kids!

We’re continuing with the 5-Minute Family Devotional, Jesus: Messiah, Teacher, King. Watch this week’s episode: Jesus Is Born. Each episode has a verse for you to review with your kids, an opportunity to pause the video and talk about specific questions, and to pray with them. This series is available through our RightNow Media subscription. If you haven’t yet signed up, you can join through this link.

To go along with the devotional series on Jesus, check out the Jesus music video playlist from Seeds, also available through RightNow Media. Each of the Seeds music videos is based word-for-word on Scripture passages, so it’s a great way for kids (or adults) to memorize verses.

SUNDAY TEACHING: Hebrews 9:11-28

Hi Crestwicke! Good morning to you all :)

You probably know the routine now: the teaching video and song playlist are below. This week in our Just for Kids! section, our Crestwicke kids will be learning about how Jesus Fulfills the Davidic Covenant, so keep scrolling to see that.

If you missed our Weekday Devotional, you can see that here. This week we had a missions update from Matt Durkee (Friends in Action), plus some staff recommended resources for you to check out.

Welcome & Scripture reading by Jake Clemens, teaching by Steve West for Sunday, April 26, 2020.

Read the full Bible passages here: Hebrews 9:11-28 & Exodus 24

Hi Crestwicke,

This is just another friendly reminder of my recommendation to pause after “Nothing but the Blood”, the fourth song, to listen to the message and then return for “Behold the Lamb”. :)

The fourth song is not the beloved hymn of the same name but a song from the early 2000s by Matt Redman. It may be new to you but I hope you will still listen and engage in worship as it has beautiful, strong lyrics that relate well to today’s Hebrews passage. 



If you are able to, please consider giving your offering as you usually do on Sunday mornings when we gather together. You can donate right here online or you can check our Donation Options page for other options. If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie in the church office, or 519-836-2132

Just for Kids!

We’re continuing with the 5-Minute Family Devotional, Jesus: Messiah, Teacher, King. Watch this week’s episode: Jesus Fulfills the Davidic Covenant. Each episode has a verse for you to review with your kids, an opportunity to pause the video and talk about specific questions, and to pray with them. This series is available through our RightNow Media subscription. If you haven’t yet signed up, you can join through this link.

To go along with the devotional series on Jesus, check out the Jesus music video playlist from Seeds, also available through RightNow Media. Each of the Seeds music videos is based word-for-word on Scripture passages, so it’s a great way for kids (or adults) to memorize verses.

WEEKDAY DEVOTIONALS: Missions Update & Staff Picks!

Hey Crestwicke! Today we have a special missions update from Matt Durkee (Friends in Action). He also shares a message from Exodus 3.

And that’s not all! Keep scrolling because today we also have a special Staff Picks section. A few of the staff have selected some recommended resources for you to look into. Jake & Steph have picked videos from our new RightNow Media subscription, so if you don’t have access to that yet, you can sign up here.


Staff Picks

The God Who is There is a 14-part video series done by D. A. Carson. In this series, Dr. Carson walks through the biblical storyline with the intention of helping the viewer see God’s ongoing story of redemption. If you want to better understand how the Bible fits together this series is for you. Candys and I have been working through this series for the past couple of weeks and have found it to be very edifying. It can be found under the Staff Recommendations on RightNow Media. —Jake

Tim Keller’s book The Prodigal God is a very readable and highly impactful exploration of the parable that we commonly—and somewhat misleadingly—refer to as The Parable of the Prodigal Son. Keller is a gifted communicator who combines great insight and wisdom with a simple, clear style. The Prodigal God is available as a book, ebook, and audiobook. —Steve

If you are someone who was nourished at a young age by limbless, talking, silly-song-singing vegetables who re-enacted Bible stories, or you are currently under the age of 12, then this show may be for you. The Mr. Phil Show is a new show from VeggieTales creator Phil Vischer. Each episode has Emily Elephant & Sam the Turtle learning about one book of the Bible, then traveling through time & space (in a cardboard box) to meet a historical Christian who helps them answer a question about living out our faith (i.e. “How do we know what God wants us to do when we are grown up?”) The show finishes by diving into 1 John as Phil takes Emily & Sam deeper into the Bible. Full of songs and Bible-learning, the whole show is really well done—fun for all ages :) —Stephanie

SUNDAY TEACHING: Hebrews 9:1-10

Good Morning, Crestwicke family!

We’re getting into a bit of a new routine around here, so our teaching and songs videos are below, as well as our Just for Kids! section, where we’re starting into a new series.

Welcome & Scripture reading by Jake Clemens, teaching by Steve West for Sunday, April 19, 2020.

Read the full Bible passage here: Hebrews 9:1-10

Hi again everyone,

Just like last week (and every week), my intention was that the fifth and last song in this set ("Nothing but the Blood") would be left until after the message. So don't forget to hit pause after the fourth song ("Just as I Am") and then go listen to Steve before returning to your closing hymn!



If you are able to, please consider giving your offering as you usually do on Sunday mornings when we gather together. You can donate right here online or you can check our Donation Options page for other options. If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie in the church office, or 519-836-2132

Just for Kids!

We’re recommending another series from 5-Minute Family Devotional, Jesus: Messiah, Teacher, King. Watch this week’s episode: Jesus is the Messiah. Each episode has a verse for you to review with your kids, an opportunity to pause the video and talk about specific questions, and to pray with them. This series is available through our RightNow Media subscription. If you haven’t yet signed up, you can join through this link.

To go along with the devotional series on Jesus, check out the Jesus music video playlist from Seeds, also available through RightNow Media. Each of the Seeds music videos is based word-for-word on Scripture passages, so it’s a great way for kids (or adults) to memorize verses.

EASTER SUNDAY: 1 Peter 1:3-9

Hi there, Crestwicke family! While this Easter may be non-traditional in many ways, especially as we cannot gather together, we pray that you will turn your thoughts even more to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and the hope His death and resurrection brings to the world.

He is Risen!

Welcome & Scripture reading by Jake Clemens, teaching by Steve West for Sunday, April 12, 2020.

Read the full Bible passage here: 1 Peter 1:3-9

Just for Kids!

If you saw our special announcement earlier this week, you will know we have given the church free access to RightNow Media. There we have recommendations from our pastoral staff, including some great resources for kids!

We are continuing in the same series we recommended on Friday: 5-Minute Family Devotional. Watch the Sunday: He is Risen! episode from their Easter Week series. Each episode has a verse for you to review with your kids, an opportunity to pause the video and talk about specific questions, and to pray with them.

Also on RightNow Media is the Seeds music video series: sing-along songs for kids based word-for-word on Scripture passages. Check out the Seeds of Easter playlist.

For full details on our RightNow Media subscription, watch Jake’s video announcement. If you didn’t receive an email invitation to join RightNow, you can join through this link.


If you are able to, please consider giving your offering as you usually do on Sunday mornings when we gather together. You can donate right here online or you can check our Donation Options page for other options. If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie in the church office, or 519-836-2132

GOOD FRIDAY: Revelation 5

Today is Good Friday, the day when we turn our attention in a special way to the atonement provided by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The cross is the centre of God’s redemptive plan.

Below we have our Good Friday teaching video, as well as a video playlist of songs to listen to or sing along with. Don’t miss the musical note from Jesskah below the playlist. Going along with our special announcement this week, we have an Easter devotional series and video song playlist especially for our Crestwicke kids.

Don Carson explains Matthew 27:27-51 and John 20:24-28. Transcript and Audio:

Welcome & Scripture reading by Jake Clemens and teaching by Steve West for Friday, April 10, 2020.

Read the full Bible passage here: Revelation 5

"Lifted up was He to die, 'It is finished!' was His cry; Now in heaven exalted high - Hallelujah! What a Savior!" Played in the key of A. Have a blessed East...

Hi everyone,

I have just a few notes about the playlist today...The first song in this set is an instrumental version which means you'll need to follow the piano for the melody, not a voice. I was unable to find a more suitable version of the hymn on YouTube but I actually think it's a nice change, especially for a more sombre day.
The third song in this set is one that's new to Crestwicke but I encourage you to still listen even if you've never heard it before (and of course sing along if you wish!).
Once again, I recommend pausing the playlist after the fourth song to listen to the teaching, and then returning to the final song (Jesus Paid it All).

I hope your Good Friday is rich and meaningful and finds you well.


Just for Kids!

If you saw our special announcement earlier this week, you will know we have given the church free access to RightNow Media. There we have recommendations from our pastoral staff, including some great resources for kids!

Today, Jake has specially selected a series for our Crestwicke kids: 5-Minute Family Devotional. Watch the Friday: Jesus is on Trial episode from their Easter Week series. Each episode has a verse for you to review with your kids, an opportunity to pause the video and talk about specific questions, and to pray with them.


Also on RightNow Media is the Seeds music video series: sing-along songs for kids based word-for-word on Scripture passages. Check out the Seeds of Easter playlist.

For full details on our RightNow Media subscription, watch Jake’s video announcement. If you didn’t receive an email invitation to join RightNow, you can join through this link.

WEEKDAY UPDATE: Easter Special

Today we have something for you from every member of the pastoral staff! To start, we have a special video greeting from Sam. As we are leading up to celebrating Good Friday and Easter Sunday, there are some extra resources that we’d like to share with you. We have a video from Jake announcing a special gift for each of you that we are very excited to present. We hope you will find this resource beneficial for you while we are apart….watch the video for more details! And finally, from Steve we have an audio presentation that he gave at the Belleville Worldview Conference on the nature of Christianity, History, the Resurrection, and the Bible for your reflections leading up to Easter.

An exciting new announcement for Crestwicke Baptist Church.

We will have video teaching from Steve on both Good Friday and Easter Sunday this week, so check back here at 9 am each day when those will be posted.

Even though we can’t gather as we would like to this week, we trust that God will bless you and draw you close to himself.


Hi there, Crestwicke family! Today’s Sunday video and playlist of songs is below. Jake’s list of resources for kids is still available if you need some devotionals, kids’ songs, or activities.

Taught by Steve West for Sunday, April 5, 2020.

Read the full Bible passages here: Hebrews 8

If you would like to hear just the audio from the Sunday Message, you can listen here. The audio will also be available on our regular podcast streaming services.

For Our Regular Crestwicke Attendees

If you are able to, please consider giving your offering as you usually do on Sunday mornings when we gather together. You can donate right here online or you can check our Donation Options page for other options.

SUNDAY TEACHING: Hebrews 6:13 to 7:28

Good Morning, Crestwicke! :) Our second Sunday video is below, along with a video playlist of songs for you to listen to or sing along with. New this week, Jake has pulled together a list of resources for those with kids, and you can find that at the bottom of this post.

Welcome & Scripture reading by Jake Clemens, teaching by Steve West for Sunday, March 29, 2020.

Read the full Bible passages here: Hebrews 6:13 to 7:28 and Psalm 110

If you would like to hear just the audio from the Sunday Message, you can listen here. The audio will also be available on our regular podcast streaming services.

Song list for our Sunday, March 29, 2020 message. Watch the Sunday Message here:

For our regular Crestwicke attendees

If you are able to, please consider giving your offering as you usually do on Sunday mornings when we gather together. You can donate right here online or you can check our Donation Options page for other options.


Some of you may be going crazy being stuck at home all day with your kids so I wanted to offer some resources for you that might help keep you going. Not all of these resources are free but a lot of companies are giving really good discounts for things because of the COVID situation. I've tried to narrow it down to a few links for you to explore so that you can find something that might work for your family. 

If you have a resource that you are currently using and you think others would benefit from it, please send the info to me so I can get it out to people. I don't plan on bogging you down with too many links all the time, but I want to do my best to keep you as well equipped as possible over the coming weeks.


The New City Catechism: This is a helpful way of teaching your kids the core doctrines of the Christian faith. The app is free and includes songs to help kids remember the questions and answers. Booklets are also available, but not free.

Upbeat Songs for Quarantine Kids: The Gospel Coalition put together this playlist for kids. You can access it on Spotify or Apple Music

All the Free and Discounted Stuff for These Difficult Times: Tim Challies is an elder at a church in Toronto who puts a lot of helpful things on the internet. He's compiled a longer list of more resources for both kids & adults.

Books, Devotionals & Activities: David C. Cook Publishing has some free booklets and colouring pages you can download.

WEEKDAY DEVOTIONALS: Is COVID-19 a Judgement from God?

This last week, one of Steve’s theology students was really trying to think through our current worldwide situation and asked him whether COVID-19 could be a judgement from God. With all that we keep hearing about these "unprecedented times", maybe it's even a question that has crossed your mind. Watch Steve’s thoughtful response below.

Read the Bible passages here: Luke 13, John 9, Genesis 17

Pastor Steve West answers a question he received from one of his theology students.