SUNDAY TEACHING: Hebrews 12:18-29

Hi Crestwicke family,

In case you missed it, in addition to the Wednesday update letter from our new Re-Opening Task Force, we added a video filmed in the auditorium, featuring Steve with one of our deacons, Reid. They discuss the plans for re-opening up to this point, and how we are moving forward. We strongly encourage you to watch the video, read the letter, then let us know what you are thinking. We really need the feedback to be able to move forward with planning. And please keep us in your prayers: we greatly need wisdom and unity during these eventful times.

For our Crestwicke kids, we’re on week 11 of our family devotional. Scroll down to our Just for Kids! section to get the link to this week’s episode.

Read the full Bible passage here: Hebrews 12:18-29


If you are able to, please consider giving your offering as you usually do on Sunday mornings when we gather together. You can donate right here online or you can check our Donation Options page for other options. If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie in the church office, or 519-836-2132

Just for Kids!

We’re continuing with the 5-Minute Family Devotional, Jesus: Messiah, Teacher, King. Watch this week’s episode: Peter Knows Who Jesus Is. Each episode has a verse for you to review with your kids, an opportunity to pause the video and talk about specific questions, and to pray with them. This series is available through our RightNow Media subscription. If you haven’t yet signed up, you can join through this link.

To go along with the devotional series on Jesus, check out the Jesus music video playlist from Seeds, also available through RightNow Media. Each of the Seeds music videos is based word-for-word on Scripture passages, so it’s a great way for kids (or adults) to memorize verses.