June Re-Opening Details!


Well, we received very, very good news this week: In-person services are back in the building starting this weekend! The website has been flipped over, the registration form is live, the peonies are blooming in our flower beds, and we are so looking forward to seeing as many of you as we can this weekend! For your reduced agony, the form has been streamlined to make registrations a bit easier, though do let me know if you have any issues or if something is unclear. The form will be open an extra day since this is shorter notice than usual, but make sure to sign up by Friday at noon: Registration Form

If you have any inclination to return to services (and we very much hope you do!) please do sign up. We know many of you have been generously concerned with ensuring others who want to be at services have a seat before you, but at this point it is immensely helpful to us to know how many people are ready to regularly return to services so we can find creative (& safe) solutions to ensure everyone who wants to be here, is able to come. We are full of ideas and constantly pivoting as these things change week-to-week. We would love to be planning for “too many” people…that would be such a gift! And we know you will be patient and gracious with us, as you have been, as these things change.

By the way, if you are interested in returning, but feeling a little tentative and think that maybe a seat near the back may make you feel more comfortable as you test the waters of larger group gatherings, let me know and we’ll do our best to accommodate you. And we know there are still those who, for various reasons, are not ready to return; so, not to worry dear Crestwicke-at-home folks: the livestream will be available as usual for you at crestwicke.org/livestream