Library Sunday 2023



Sunday, October 15, 2023

EDIT (Oct 18/23): Thanks to everyone who contributed to Library Sunday, we’ve collected over $400 towards filling out our library shelves! The remaining books will be available on Sunday, October 22 for those who missed the initial date.

As many of you will know, our church library is full of many excellent books & resources that can be otherwise challenging to find locally, or cost-prohibitive if you have a voracious reader in your home! Especially with the growing age of kids around Crestwicke, we are looking to fill out our library shelves this year, and will be hosting our first Library Sunday since 2011!

Join us on Sunday, October 15, and peruse a selection of books you can buy for our library! Any books you purchase will be available to immediately take home to read, then bring them to the library for others in the church family! All purchases of Library Sunday books will be tax receiptable; please bring cash or cheques.

Below you can preview some of the books we will have available.


Cold Days & Frozen Dirt

Our Property Committee recently organized and executed the removal of the exterior dividing wall by the RCA school side. Not a minor job, on not a warm day, they smashed tonnes of material with sledgehammers, jackhammers, and chisels. With the temperatures dropping to -17 C, they were even sledgehammering through frozen dirt. Thanks so much to Thomas, Dave, David, Colin, Joel, Danielle, Max & Shayne for their labour, as well as Sam, Margaret, Matt & Mozes who provided food, moral support, and apparently puns. It has been suggested that next time we need to tear down a wall, the congregation march around it 7 times first, to see what happens.

If you are interested in these sorts of property project activities, or if you have any such skills to offer, feel free to contact the church office, and we’ll connect you with our Property Committee. 

(By the way if you are wondering about when we’ll be finishing the front awning, we’ve booked a contractor who will be completing it in the next couple months, depending on when the supplies are made available.)

Milk Bag Collection

A note from Nancy Revie, who coordinates our collection of milk bags:

We have dropped off a very LARGE BOX of Crestwicke collected milk bags for Bags to Mats to a lady in Guelph. She sent the following email as thanks.

My thanks go to you and to all of the people who were involved in collecting them. The residents at the Guelph Lake Commons will be glad to use them to make the mats, which I will deliver to the Canadian Food For Children warehouse in Mississauga.

We also had the children at Crestwicke Children’s Church do an activity with the bags which included flattening them; cutting them and making “plarn” (plastic yarn) to be crocheted into sleeping mats.

Moving forward, we will continue to collect milk bags. In order to make this process efficient and most useful to the organization, please follow the instructions below for milk bag drop off at the church.

  1. Turn milk bags inside out and WASH/DRY them thoroughly.

  2. Turn them right side out!

  3. Flatten the milk bags.

  4. Stack them and drop them off on top of the coat racks in the Auditorium foyer.

We only collect the large outside milk bags, not the clear litre bags that hold the milk.

If you have any questions, please contact the office and we’ll put you in touch with Nancy.